Fumettisottovuoto is a daily comic strip created by Federica during the late 00s, when she still was a student. Known in Italy as one of the first Italian webcomics, the strip followed the daily situations of a girl right after her teenage years, while she struggled finding a balance between her nonconformist values and the burdens of the incoming adult life. The strip tells about the relationship with her parents, her friendships in the LGBTQ community, her loves, the desire to find her own independence.
Firstly published by Coconino Press and Coniglio Editore, Federica stopped to write the comic strip, starting her professional career as an illustrator in Paris. During the 2020 Global Lockdown she started to write the comic strip again.
The new Fumettisottovuoto's season tells about the daily life of an adult woman during one-year stay at her parents after living abroad and her come-back to a new post-pandemic life as a single person.
The comic strip is published by the Italian comics magazine LINUS and the Italian newspaper DOMANI
Season 2 Extracts
Season 1 extracts